Andante by Carulli for Classical Ukulele

In this video Jeff Peterson plays his low-G arrangement of the Andante by Carulli for classical ukulele.

Performance Notes

This Andante (walking tempo) by Carulli is in 6/8 time like Etude No. 11. It is in the key of Bb with two flats in the key signature (Bb and Eb). The piece incorporates similar techniques to the etude, featuring three-note block chords and shifts between two-note chords and bass notes, much like the Country Dance. You’ll encounter several barre chords throughout the piece. So it’s important to understand the barre chord notations: CI indicates a full barre at the 1st fret, 1/2C covers the top two of the four strings, and 3/4C covers three of the four strings. To conserve energy in the left hand, only cover the number of strings necessary with barre chords.

The piece is divided into three sections, each with 1st and 2nd endings before the D.C. al Fine, which concludes right on beat 4 of measure 17. After reaching this final note, you can hold it and let it ring out to create a satisfying conclusion.

Classical Music for Ukulele Volume 2

Graded Repertoire for Classical Ukulele: Volume 2

The Andante by Ferdinando Carulli comes from our book Graded Repertoire for Classical Ukulele: Volume 2. The book has around 50 pieces of classical masterpieces carefully arranged for low-G ukulele in a progressive order. Starting with simple famous melodies like Bach’s Minuet in C, you progress step-by-step all the way through to classical favorites such as Fauré’s Pavane and Leyenda by Issac Albéniz.

Pick up your copy of Graded Repertoire for Classical Ukulele: Volume 2 here.