Ukulele Corner 2024 In Review
2024 has been a fantastic year at Ukulele Corner! We’ve created a lot of new content for our community that we’re really happy is out there in the world. We’ll take a look in this article at all of the new things that have happened in 2024.
The Ukulele Corner YouTube Channel: ~40 New Videos
Our YouTube channel has been home to all kinds of new videos in 2024. From new Hawaiian performances to lessons from our new Graded Repertoire Volume 2 book, from shorts to new technique tips, these have been your favorites:

The Ukulele Corner Blog: 29 New Blogs
In 2024 we published almost 30 new blog articles. Here are some of your favorite topics from this year:
Pachelbel’s Canon in D (Performance with Sheet Music + TAB)
Hi’ilawe for Fingerstyle Ukulele (Performance from our new Hawaiian book — more on that below!)
You should know these six ukulele players (All about six of the best ukulele players in the world)
Learn these 4 beginner chords today (Get started playing today with these four easy chords!)
Make Melodies Sing with This Technique Tip (Help your melodies to sing above the accompaniment with these exercises)

Ukulele Outreach
Since 2014 Jeff has been touring with Keola Beamer teaching ukulele to students and performing concerts in collaboration with artists in countries around the world including Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, and India.
This year Jeff and Keola visited Bhutan, bringing new ukuleles, teaching and performing for the students. Check out Jeff performing live from the breathtaking Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan!
Workshops and Live Performances:
This year Jeff has been very busy on tour with many concerts, workshops, and masterclasses not only all over the islands in Hawaiʻi, but all over the globe! Here are some of the highlights:
- Jeff joined Jake Shimabukuro and Henry Kapono for the Tradewinds & Rainbows tour
- Jeff was yet again a teacher and guest artist at the Forest Ukulele Retreat , which is part of the Ukulele Festival of Great Britain at the Forest of Dean
- Jeff was a featured artist in George Kahumoku Jr.’s Masters of Hawaiian Music Tour
- Jeff returned again with George in his Slack Key Show in Maui in November
- The Island Breeze tour featured Jeff’s trio with shakuhachi player Riley Lee and taiko drummer Kenny Endo
- And these are just a handful of the highlights from Jeff’s busy tour season this year…much more to come in 2025!

3 New Books
Ukulele Corner published three new books in 2024.
First, Jeff published a longtime passion project, Graded Repertoire for Hawaiian Ukulele. This book celebrates the Hawaiian heritage and spirit of aloha while providing you with 60 pieces expertly arranged by Jeff.
Secondly, Jeff has finally launched the follow-up to the popular Graded Repertoire for Classical Ukulele: Volume 1 with a brand new Volume 2. The second volume is just as robust with nearly 50 pieces, including popular classics like Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and Albeniz’s Asturias. Carefully ordered into eight grades, like volume 1, this book provides you with another layer of progression to the first volume and so makes a great standalone volume as much as as supplement to the first.
Finally, we just released our very first book free to download! In PDF only, our Selected Solos for Fingerstyle Ukulele gives you six carefully chosen solo pieces that represent the breadth of music we have to offer at Ukulele Corner. From blues to Christmas, from classical to Hawaiian, there is something for everyone here. Plus, on the page below you can access free lessons from Jeff on each piece.

Ukulele Corner Academy
But this has also been a great year for Ukulele Corner Academy, Jeff’s online school for ukulele. Jeff has been bringing so much new content throughout the year, and there’s so much more coming in 2024! But here’s a look back at all of the new things added just this year:
2 New Courses at Ukulele Corner Academy
- New Hawaiian Course
- Our new companion course to Graded Repertoire for Hawaiian Ukulele has around 50 lessons ranging from in-depth how-to lessons on solo Hawaiian songs to strumming and accompaniment lessons. This is an exciting new addition to the Academy and brings great new music to our members learn!
- New Graded Repertoire: Volume 2 Course
- This is still a brand new book, but Jeff has been releasing a ton of new lessons from the book at the Academy in our new Graded Repertoire: Volume 2 course. This basically doubles the amount of content for our Classical Library at the Academy and adds new music that is both popular and super fun to play. More importantly, the music is carefully structured with a clear progression so you can learn fun music that is at your level.
And with all this new content Jeff has also been hosting monthly live sessions with members. These are fun opportunities for our members to work on a song or new technique with Jeff. Often this is also an opportunity for Jeff to premiere new and upcoming content for the Academy.
If you aren’t a member yet, you should consider joining today! Go here to become a member of Ukulele Corner Academy.
Looking Ahead…
But 2024 is almost over, and that means we have a whole new year around the corner. We have some exciting things planned for 2025 and we can’t wait to share the new year with all of you at Ukulele Corner. Please leave a comment to let us know: What was your favorite ukulele memory from 2024?
Ukulele Corner offers so much, including three more amazing ukulele books this year!
I’m so impressed with UC’s content, with various learning formats and hearty encouragement to students . What a joy to play each song, each beautifully arranged and so pleasing to all who hear.
I love being part of Ukulele Corner, its cheerful community of ukulele players, the vast array of classics songs we learn, and the invitation to participate in inspiring indepth live sessions lessons from Master Teacher Jeff, no matter where we live in the world!
Thank you Jeff and the UC team!